The hyper-deflationary, anti-fragile blockchain war machine SHOGUN; built on X28, 1-Page Summary.
SHOGUN is a fair launched, hyper-deflationary, anti-fragile blockchain war machine built on top of X28 (a 1:1 OmniChain representation of TITANX)
It uses:
a 28-day token distribution period:
100M tokens per day via 28 24-hour auctions
Perpetual daily auctions (from WarChest) after from supply that is bought off of market via the buy & burn, and supply from the WarTax.
You need X28 ( to enter the auctions on SHOGUN.
During the initial 28-day SHOGUN distribution, users will also have the ability to enter with their TITANX stakes. It works like this:
If a user wants to enter the SHOGUN auction with a 22B TITANX stake, he will need to supply 22B liquid TITANX alongside it (1 to 1 with the stake), 22B + 22B+ will give the user 44B worth of value in the SHOGUN auction.
The liquid TITANX gets distributed according to the "TITANX Stake + Liquid Auction Entry Distribution" section.
This will only be available for the first 28 days. After 28 days, this option will disappear and it will only be X28 as the option.
X28 Auction Entry Distribution:
69% of X28 gets used to buy SHOGUN via X28/SHOGUN and splits like this:
8% of SHOGUN bought to Liquidity Webs
28% of SHOGUN bought gets burned forever
64% of SHOGUN bought gets sent to the WarChest for Future Perpetual Auction
20% of X28 used to enter auctions gets burned forever
8% of X28 sent to be used for Liquidity Webbing with the entire BoT ecosystem (creates LP pairs with eco & burns the v2 LP tokens, forever locking the LPs)
3% of X28 to Genesis of which you should have no expectations.
TITANX Stake + Liquid Auction Entry Distribution - only available for first 28 days:
TITANX stake amount: gets fully burned.
Liquid TITANX that comes with the stake gets used like this:
53% of Liquid TITANX gets used to buy X28 via TITANX/X28 & the X28 buys SHOGUN via X28/SHOGUN and splits like this (same distribution as the WarTax):
8% of SHOGUN bought to Liquidity Webs
28% of SHOGUN bought gets burned forever
64% of SHOGUN bought gets sent to the WarChest for Future Perpetual Auction
22% of Liquid TITANX sent to be used for Liquidity Webbing with the entire BoT ecosystem (creates LP pairs with eco & burns the v2 LP tokens)
20% of Liquid TITANX used to enter auctions gets burned forever
5% of Liquid TITANX to Genesis of which you should have no expectations.
The WarTax:
There is a 8% transfer tax (on buy, sell & transfer) within SHOGUN that gets used like this:
8% of SHOGUN from WarTax to be used for Liquidity Webs with BoT ecosystem
28% of SHOGUN from WarTax bought gets burned forever
64% of SHOGUN from WarTax bought gets sent to the WarChest for Future Perpetual Auction
The WarChest:
The non-inflationary SHOGUN (SHOGUN bought off of market via the Buy & Burn or % of WarTax) creates perpetual auctions in the future after day 28:
8% of SHOGUN in WarChest balance is used every day after day 28 going forward.
Decentralized Buy & Burn Logic:
Cap per Swap Logic to prevent MEVs (especially since we’re on Uniswap V2)
During 28-Day Distribution
28% of Contract Balance (decided at end of day turnover, re-adjusted on dailyUpdate AND can take in new TITANX being sent into the contract in between that period so that’s why we should base it on Buy & Burn TITANX contract balance)
Split amongst 288 intervals which is roughly 5 mins per call
After 28-Day Distribution into Perpetual Auctions
8% of Buy & Burn Contract Balance used every day
The Buy & Burn amounts accumulate as they're not called until they're profitable enough to be called up until MEV-protected cap per swap amount.
1 X28 = 1 TITANX Auction Logic
Every X28 is valued at 1 TITANX on auction entry, this means that, if, in the rare scenario 1 X28 on market is only worth 0.95 TITANX, users can get the full 1 TITANX value of that X28 essentially getting a free 5% by getting X28 and using it to enter the SHOGUN auction.
1 X28 = 1 TITANX, hardcoded, forever, regardless of market value.
Initial LPs:
1M SHOGUN with 2.8B X28, uniswap v2, burnt LP (forever locked).
The 2 biggest LP pairs will be X28/SHOGUN & TITANX/SHOGUN, a large chunk of the LP web %s will go towards these 2 pools.
100M SHOGUN is minted at the start to create LPs (and burn them) with all BoT protocol assets, as new protocols come out, they will get added to the liquidity web and the LP tokens will get burnt forever. All these LPs will be forever locked as well.
Design Goal for SHOGUN:
A decentralized, massively hyper-deflationary, anti-fragile blockchain war machine that uses very innovative buy and burn, Liquidity Webbing & WarTax mechanics to create an unstoppable machine existing on blockchain forever that should operate even without any people interacting.
Arb bots (can also be called price fixer bots) that equalize prices across pairs (SHOGUN will have 50+ pairs within the BuildOnTitanX ecosystem over time & forever will be adding new pairs within the ecosystem) will forever be paying the 8% WarTax with massive volumes, forever burning & feeding the SHOGUN machine. Every minute, every hour, every day, forever.
Pushing X28 above 1:1 constantly via direct buys & indirect via X28 participation in SHOGUN, causing forever burning of TITANX & X28 supply as SHOGUN continues on its war path. Pushing the entire BuildOnTitanX ecosystem and benefiting SHOGUN. Also creates a triple-hyper-deflationary foundation across TITANX > X28 > SHOGUN.
This is all done through smart contracts that users call & interact with using their own private keys, there is no central actor, authority, individual, group or company doing any critical work whatsoever. SHOGUN is completely decentralized, owned & ran by the users interacting with the smart contracts deployed on the globally decentralized network called Ethereum.
None of this document is financial advice. past performance does not guarantee future performance. You're solely responsible for your own decisions. This is merely a description of the inner workings of the protocol. You're interacting directly with an on-chain smart contract that has no intermediaries or human interaction requirements. It's just you & the immutable code you're interacting with that exists purely on chain with no human intermediaries.
Last updated