πŸ’°Staking (Earn HYPER)

Min stake length is 28 days, max stake length is 3500 days & all share bonuses cap at day 2888, see "Shares" section below.

The rolling payout cycles run:

  • Every 98 Days

    • so day 98, 196, 294, etc..., forever.

  • Every 369 Days

    • so day 369, 738, 1107, etc..., forever.

And the HYPER bought off of market for the staking payouts is distributed like this:

  • 50% gets added to the 98-day rolling payout

  • 50% gets added to the 369-day rolling payout

And NEVER stop. These cycles will pay out forever as long as people participate in the protocol and 38% of the HYPER bought into the payout cycles for HYPER stakers.


When you stake your HYPER, you get shares in return; the number of shares you get depends on the current share rate at the time of your stake + the bonuses below:

LongerPaysMore bonus - the longer you stake for, the more shares you get, up to a +200% bonus at day 2888, after 2888 day stake length, the bonus stays capped at +200% but you can stake up to 3500 days to earn as much yield as possible for as long as possible as shares only get more expensive & much harder to get over time.

BiggerPaysMore bonus - the more HYPER you stake in a single stake, you get a up to 8% extra bonus on your shares, capped at 100B HYPER.

The number of shares you have compared to everyone else determines your % of the HYPER payouts.

For example: if you have 1% of all shares, you get 1% of all the payout cycles triggered during your staking period, etc...


You pick a date for your stake to end when you start your stake, try to end your stake on that day.

If you're unable to on that specific day, you have a 7-day grace period to end your stake in which no penalties will get applied.

Stakes are not allowed to be ended before 50% maturity.

If stake ended after 50% maturity

  • Lose -50% of HYPER in staked, gets sent to the dead address (burned).

  • You get 50% of HYPER staked back.

If stake not ended for 1 week (grace period) after end date, lose 1% of HYPER per day until 99% lost after 100 days (calculated at end of stake)

Last updated